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Photo Frame

Personalised Photo Frame

Why frame your favourite photos in bog-standard frames, when you can put them in a frame you have designed yourself? Our Personalised Photo Frame can be customised to feature anything you like, so you photo can be surrounded by even more photos! Read the reviews from our customers and see what they have to say about our Personalised Photo Frame. Read their words and comments about our service and products - from online design tools to delivery service.

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  • testimonials Brilliant quality. Quick and safely packaged
    Overwhelmed with the quality of the photo frame created. Grateful that I recieved an email following completion of my order that it had first failed a quality control check, showing that the company takes pride in its products. Recieved confirmation the following day that the product had now passed and was out for delivery. Received the package promptly and it was safely packaged in bubble wrap. Will be using this company for many more occasions! Highly recommended

  • testimonials The perfect present!
    Really happy with the product as it was a present for my mother using old black and white photos of her as a child. Fairly easy to upload photos and use editing tool. It was a bit time consuming arranging photos, sizing them and checking that they overlap correctly without gaps etc.The preview oddly showed frame at an angle so it's hard to really check final version. The cutter guide is a little hard to see, therefore, I was nervous to where my photos would be cropped in production. However, I phoned customer service and a helpful staff member checked it over for me. Turn around time was great. I ordered it Monday morning and it was delivered by Wednesday. (Standard delivery). Overall, even though I thought it was a little costly, and not a five minute job to create I was really pleased with end product as it's a good quality frame with a slight gloss finish. Looks great with black and white images- would order again. It made the perfect personal present. My mother burst into tears when she unwrapped it! So I hope that meant she liked it!!

  • testimonials What an absolute treat
    I found Bags of Love by accident and I am so glad that I did. I used the online chat service having many questions and thanks to the extremely invaluable help I received from Francesca I was able to design my frame with very little effort. My product arrived within 48 hours of placing my order and I could not have been happier with the finished product. Definitely a company I will use again

  • testimonials
    Absolutely lovely frame. Such a unique gift! I'm so pleased and definitely will be returning to order the fleece

  • testimonials
    Awesome, second one I've ordered and couldn't be happier!!

  • testimonials
    Waiting for a frame like this for a long time. Ideal for presents and awards. Good quality. Any chance of a 7 x 5?

  • testimonials
    Love the ordering process, love the design process and received my order in less than 2 days! I've got nothing but love for Bags of Love

  • testimonials
    Simple to put in order. Quality excellent. Prompt delivery.

  • testimonials
    Excellent just as I wanted it Thank you very much